Here is a swatch for my Sampler Workshop, using very fine 2-ply Shetland yarn. I think I like it, but the yarn is so crisp I am not sure how to best use it. It makes a pretty swatch!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Slave to the Gypsy Queen...Halloween Eve
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Sampler Workshop!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
What I Brought Home From Rhinebeck...
I am shopped out for now! I'll be back soon with a new set of charts; but first I need to get the Gypsy Queen ready for Halloween night. Stand-by...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The Fiber Frenzy Report from New York State Sheep and Wool Festival 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
A sigh of relief...
I am still working on Hecate, which is going to be a full-size stole pretending to be a swatch. More to follow. It looks pretty good to me. I am also planning a holiday scarf project chez BadCat, with charts posted on the blog during November. I will get information up about that next week.
First I have to totally enjoy Rhinebeck this coming weekend. I'll take my camera and some cash. Be prepared...I am going to wallow in it.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
An embarrassment of riches...
Over the past two weeks, I have been gifted with a few skeins of wonderful lace-weight yarn. The first picture shows some Elann Baby Lace Merino, in black. This was from Elizabeth, and you can meet her here at her blog: She started a local knitting group I try to get to when I can, and has been doing some nice lace knitting. The second (really large) hank of lace-weight yarn is from my friend Jane, who just got back from China. This yarn is probably all merino and is fine with a very nice twist.
The two blue balls are also from Jane. The color is actually more periwinkle in real life. This is one of the new Lacey Lamb colors from Jade Sapphire. Delicious!
These last two yarns I could use some help with. I have no idea what that really are, despite the names on the labels. Jane also brought these back from China. I tried to photograph the actual percentages of fiber content (in Chinese) from the side of the label, but it was too small. Also, it added up to 110%, so even more confusing. Anyone have any knowledge about these yarns???

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Fine tuning a design
I have been working on and off for quite some time on fine tuning the Corfu Shawl pattern. Every once in a while a particular section of a chart (usually an edging) gives me serious attitude. This has been one of those times. The white swatch really shows how the edging runs into the corner short-rows, separated by the orange thread. The corner has a tear-drop shape.
The first picture shows two swatches that Judith Gilbert knit, and the second pictures shows the swatch that I did after I tweaked things with Judith's advice. That swatch has a thin blue thread you can see on close inspection. We both think it might be just purrfect, but I feel compelled to try it once more in a week or two.
Monday, October 8, 2007
What IS on my needles?
So it isn't a sampler. I have one or two of those on my needles, but I had a design just exploding out, so I gave in and cast-on. Here are my materials. Beads and lace. How novel...
And a larger view of the swatch crumpled on the needle...
One item worth sharing is the way I set my charts up. Usually, I don't need anything special to read my charts. I can memorize a basic chart very quickly. But some charts don't fit in my brain that neatly. This design is one of them. I often knit in meetings and at conferences; Also while watching a movie. To help prevent errors, I do this:
I copy the chart once for each charted row and use a highlighter to mark one row on each sheet. I trim them and clip them together. When I finish a row I move that sheet to the bottom of the stack and the next row is highlighted and waiting for me! Lovely.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
New Friends
Last weekend we had company across the street when we came home from work. There you see Della, grazing in the church yard. Della is a lovely mule, who travels with Patricia and Bud Kenny. They are walking across the country (and maybe the world) with Della pulling their wagon. We had the fine pleasure of meeting them and spending some time getting to know them.
Their wagon is designed by Bud, with great care to keep the weight low and the efficiency high. Patricia rides when they are in the city or on hills, to work the break and make things safer and easier on Della. When they left my street, to spend a few days rest in my friend Janet's large yard one town north, they let my daughter ride along.
You can read more about these really great people on their website:
They are traveling in New York State right now, moving north in the Hudson Valley. If you see them wish them my best!
I had a bad day with my camera, and all the new pictures of what is on my needles and the good stash I had to show you got pulled into the black hole of high tech. I will try again later in the week...
I had a bad day with my camera, and all the new pictures of what is on my needles and the good stash I had to show you got pulled into the black hole of high tech. I will try again later in the week...
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Moving right along...what is on my needles?
Right now, I am all about samplers. I have a pattern (really more like a home study) based on a sampler that I designed, which I am hoping to have ready for distribution in the near future. I am re-knitting it in a finer gauge and tweaking the charts and instructions. I have already put together a workshop based on the sampler, which covers several useful lace knitting techniques. I will post pictures of my progress later this week. Here is the original sampler I designed.
There is a lovely lace sampler in Victorian Knitting Today. I have not knit it, but I have drooled on the pages.
The Fourth Treasury of Knitting Patterns, by the wonderful Barbara Walker, is all about samplers. Some are lace and some are not. A wealth of good information.

This is the Holy Grail of lace knitting, mostly because it is so hard to get. Based on a sampler from the Brooklyn Museum that Susanna Lewis charted, you can reproduce that sampler, errors and all, with this book. A good read.

These three books are a wonderful resource for samplers in both lace and other stitches. The charts are excellent. The text is in German.

I have found some really nice Internet resources for those of you interested in samplers:
Museum of Fine Arts in Boston:
Some excellent knit sampler photographs. Outstanding...
Needle Arts Bookshop:
A nice sampler photograph
The Textile Museum:
A PDF file of textile collections all over the place
Island Wool Garden website:
The virtual studio of Catherine M. Thomson, a brilliant lace knitter. The second link is a pattern for a small sampler from Ms. Thomson's website.
A Yahoogroup based on sampler knitting:
The moonrise website: is owned by Sandy Terp, who is a terrific lace knitter, designer and teacher. She has a kit for an old sampler pattern. You get a copy of the old pattern (in longhand) and Sandy's own lace notation or "shorthand" for the patterns. I am strictly a chart woman, but some people really like this lace "shorthand." You can get just the pattern, or the pattern with a generous supply of yarn.
Take a look at my Flickr pages, at the following link, to see some lovely sampler knitting based on the Susanna Lewis book.
I am also sharing a list of some of my favorite books related to sampler knitting. These are certainly not the only books with good fuel for the sampler fire, but they are the ones I though were most pertinent:

This is the Holy Grail of lace knitting, mostly because it is so hard to get. Based on a sampler from the Brooklyn Museum that Susanna Lewis charted, you can reproduce that sampler, errors and all, with this book. A good read.

There are also wonderful books for lace stitches and for edgings, if you want to design your own samplers. Maybe we will go there in the near future. In the mean time, knit on!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Yahoogroup it is...
The poll deadline is not here yet, but the numbers have spoken. The Yahoogroup will be a focused group to knit The Veil of Isis and other BadCatDesigns. Most people want to knit Isis, but other designs are fine too. I will copy all the Isis files to the file section of the list in the next week or two. There already are several lists for lace knitters to chat on, so this will be mostly knitting and minimal off-topic stuff. If you want to join us, send an email request here:
I'll moderate lightly and it won't be intensive tutorials. Just some low key support!
I'll moderate lightly and it won't be intensive tutorials. Just some low key support!
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