Friday, July 18, 2008

The Summer Sampler Goes to the Beach

Happy Weekend! If you are new to the party, please take some time to review all the previous posts with The Summer Sampler label to catch up. You still have plenty of time. We are up to Pattern Eight, and I named today's pattern Surf Side, because it reminds me of small waves along the shore. It is straight forward and fun to work. Below you will find page fourteen. Please note that only the right-side (odd numbered) rows are charted. The even numbered rows are all purl, straight across! Mind those garter stitch borders though...

I'll be back next weekend, with more summer fun. Until then, knit on!
7/20/08: Page Fourteen correction posted! I got my odds and evens reversed on the page, but the blog chatter had it the right way. Everyone keep alert! Thanks Suzanna...


  1. Looks like another fun one; I better catch up :-)

  2. I think you mean all odd numbers are charted and to purl the evens. :) Just in case you want to update. Have a great week! =^..^=

  3. Of course that is what I mean! I said it in the post and reversed it on the page. Thanks for keeping me straight! I put a corrected page up.
