Saturday, June 30, 2012

Summer Project is Open!!

The Sangria Lace summer project is open!  Is you want to join either send me a payment via PayPal or send me an email requesting an invoice.  The cost is US $6.50 for a summer of great knitting!  My email address for PayPal payments or to request an invoice is

The project will be presented in installments and you will have to join my special SangriaLace YahooGroup to participate.  You will get a group invitation once payment is received.  All the files will be posted at the YahooGroup.  The pattern is charted, so you must be willing to work from charts to enjoy yourself.  If you have any questions please drop me an email and ask.  You are welcome to leave a comment here but be warned that unless you include your email address in your comment I will not be able to reply to you.

There are more details and a material list posted here!

Let the fun begin!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012


My summer 2012 group project is about to go live, so if you are interested in joining me here are the details!

First, the group will open on July 1st and I will update the blog with those specs late this week.  The cost will be U.S. $6.50 for a great project and some yummy drinks!  We will cast-on mid-July and be done by late August.

Second, I will give you a materials list in case you are interested!  The summer project is a change of pace from our last two projects.  This will be a top down triangle that can also be made as a square.  It is great vacation knitting.  All the charts can repeat and the final chart can be added to any of the previous charts.  In fact I consider this project to be the perfect wedding party project.  You can make several shawls that are related but different.  Plus we are going to sample different Sangria recipes and you can knit and drink Sangria.  It works for me!  Here is the basic material list:

Materials for the Triangle
-1 skein Starlight Semi-Solid Entrée from Lara’s Creations, shown in Crushed Boysenberries.  The yarn is 75% superwash Merino, 20% silk and 5% Stellina and has 100grams and 875 yards per skein.  100grams of yarn with equivalent yardage and some Merino wool content will work.  I suggest using either a semi-solid color, one of Lara’s gradient colors, or a yarn with very long color repeats.  The design offers several possible points to add or subtract repeats, so any fine yarn can work, from cobweb to a light fingering.  If you choose a finer yarn get more yardage.  As for color choices, I suggest a color that makes you think of a summer fruit!  Berries, peach, melon….
-20 grams of 8/0 beads to match your yarn.  Shown in Japanese F023D, matt silver-lined Plum.  Choose something that matches your yarn.  You will need more if you want a larger piece.
-10 grams of 6/0 or E beads with some contrast to your yarn.  Shown in Czech crystal-Bronze lined Ab.  These are for the final edge, so a little zing is good.  You will need more if you want a larger piece.
-US 3 (32 inch) circular needle or size to get gauge (or with a gauge that pleases you.)  If you exceed my gauge you might need more yardage.
-US1 or 2 crochet hook for bind-off if you use the crochet bind-off option as shown
-US 14 crochet hook or size to fit your yarn and beads
-Waste yarn for provisional cast-on
-Yarn needle to weave ends
-Blocking wires and pins
-Stitch markers if you like
-For a square you will need twice the amount of yarn and beads (and more for a larger square) plus a set of 5 double point needles and a set of circular needles in up to 40 inches.  Seriously, you can make this any size you like as long as you have enough yarn.

Now for the Sangria drink materials, and mind you there will be a new recipe each time I post new charts:
One bottle of dry rose wine.  Mine is a French Rose.  Some fruit liqueur.  I had some Triple Sec in my wine closet, but if I had a better liqueur I would use is!  Some summer fruit.  I had strawberries, white grapes and a nectarine.  You also need ice.
 First cut the fruit and fill your pitcher.  I diced the fruit and left a few larger pieces over for the wine glasses.
For my petite pitcher I used 3 shots of the Triple Sec to 2 cups of wine.  You can vary this based on how sweet you like your Sangria.  Chill it and let the fruit soak for a few hours.  When ready to serve put a few ice cubes in each glass and pour!

I will be back at the end of the week with details about how to join the group.  In the mean time start considering you materials and make some Sangria!

Friday, June 8, 2012


I am thrilled to tell all of you about this gorgeous new book I am honored to have a design in.  Check out this link to read more about it, plus see a list of participating designs.  It is really WOW!  The design is my "Queen of Hearts" from Vogue Holiday 2012 and I love the photography in this book.  Actually, I love everything about this book!  It is a hard-cover, elegant and full of nice designs, plus is working on raising awareness about women's heart disease.  An amazing combination!  Did I say I love the photography?

Do you want a copy???  I know you do!  So leave a comment telling me you want one.  Be sure you include your email address in your comment.  Blogger does not always do that for you, even if you sign in.  The publisher has kindly given me a copy to share, so one lucky person will get it!  Winner will be selected randomly at midnight and I will post tomorrow to tell you who the lucky winner is!

Monday, June 4, 2012

SugarPlumFairy Gallery!!

Without further interruptions, I bring you the 2012 SugarPlum Gallery Post. If you want to see even more finished projects check out the Ravelry page!  If you scroll down to the end of this post you will see the Gallery Post prize winners, selected randomly, because all these knitters are winners!  The full pattern will be available on Ravelry soon, but if you want it now you can join the project group, which will remain open for now.  Details are here.  Details from each knitter are below their photos!
Name Annie Ham
Ravelry name: weaverannie
Yarn used: Drops Lace
Needle size: 2.5 mm
Comments: The beads are hardly visible, but are really nice in this shawl.
Name: Annie Ham
Ravelry name: weaverannie
Yarn used: a machine knitting yarn somebody gave me when she stopped machine knitting.
Needle size 2.5 mm.
Comments: I took this with me on holiday to France and knitted on and on: there were so many beads on the yarn! In the end, back home, I just stopped.

Name: Cindy Harrison
Ravelry Name: dcharrison
Yarn: Colourmart 2/36NM Cashmere/Silk in Pale Lilac
Needles: 2.75mm / US #2 ChiaoGoo Lace circular needles
Size: 36" wide x 68" high
Comments: I loved knitting this, but it really became a pleasure when it just suddenly clicked in Chart 4 so that I didn't have to constantly look at my chart once I had done a repeat.  It was given as a gift to my niece, who modeled it for me as well.  I used Beads from - Toho #269 - 1.5mm squares transparent lavender ab
& Toho #269A - 8/0 seed beads lavender lined iridescent

Name Cynthia Peek
Ravelry Name femknit
Yarn used Colourmart Cash Silk 2/36 Colour 703282
Needle size US 2 (2.75 mm)
Finished Dimensions 6’ x 33”
Comments Another stunning design, and the yarn you suggested was one I would never have tried!  This is an amazing piece of art.

Name - Dawn Gayer
Ravelry Name - dawnadair
Yarn used - Colourmart Cashmere/Silk 2/36NM
Needle size - US 2
Comments - I love the delicacy and intricacy of this shawl.  The last rows were endless, but it was well worth completing them.  Thanks a million, Andrea, for the fabulous pattern!
Name Dolly Donhauser
Ravelry Name dollydonhauser
Blog should have one
Yarn used Gossamer Webs Love Potion #3 in Periwinkle
Needle size US #2
Finished Dimensions 35.25" x 72"
Comments This was a wonderful project from start to finish. The design gave me a chance to make a piece that is truely breathtaking. The yarn was lovely to work with, a pretty color and finished like a dream. I got a chance to add teeny tiny crochet hooks to my tools. The shawl is light as a feather, and not one break in the yarn for the whole project. I used a dab (last 4 rows and cast off) of the second ball so total usage was a little over 1250 meters. I really enjoyed the companionship with the group. It is a powerful boost to knit with skilled knitters even if you can't drool over their work! Thanks!

Name: Flora
Yarn: 2/36 cashmere/silk yarn in pale lilac from Colourmart
Gauge: 44 stitches/20 rows = 10cm/4 inches Finished size:  semi-circular shawl is 72 inches across the top and 50 inches from top down center-back.

Name: Jocelyn Boisvert
Ravelry Name: JossRoll
Needle Size: 3 mm
Finished Dimension: 60” large X 52” long (point to point)
                                     36” center to point
Comments: Beads: Cube 1.5 mm Purple Lined Rosaline AB
                                   8/0 Silver-Lined Rosaline AB
                                   Very lovely shawl,  pleased to do this pattern.

Name: Karen Bowen
Ravelry Name: fireboysgirl
Blog: None
Yarn used: Made with Sweet Georgia Silk Lamb Lace, Black plum . Completed width is 72" and depth is 35 " at center point
Needle size:3 circular
Finished Dimensions:Completed width is 72" and depth is 35 " at center point
Comments: Finished shawl after clue five due to running out of yarn.  

Name : Mary
Ravelry Name : marydear
Yarn used: ColourMart 2/30 Merino in slate
Needle size: US 1 (2.5mm)
Finished Dimensions: Big, forgot to measure it!
Comments: As usual I had a great deal of fun knitting this project. It certainly kept me busy for many months! Love the mesh and how it makes the motifs really stand out.  I keep saying this about designs that Andrea creates, but it has to be the most beautiful thing I have ever knit.

Name: Sheila Macomber
Ravelry Name: Lacesheknits
Blog N/A
Yarn used: Skacel Merino Lace in Plum
Needle size: 2/2.75mm
Finished Dimensions: 72" x 35"
Comments: 72" measured at the widest point - middle of sections 1 and 5. 35" measured down center back. Yardage estimate is 1650. I used 120 grams of yarn at 1375 per100 gram skein.
This was the hardest lace pattern I have worked to date. But I love the bead work and even the lines of tiny beads! Andrea's designs are fascinating the way shapes form and morph as you knit! 

Name  Stacey Wright
Ravelry Name StaceyLynn99
Yarn used  Land o Lakes Lady Katie
Needle size US 3
Finished Dimensions  65" x 36"

Name:  Sue in CA
Ravelry Name: Monksqueedunk
Blog:  n/a
Yarn used:
Wool Candy Souffle Lace (Alpaca, Cashmere, Silk)  1.5 skeins or 1950 yards
Needle size: US 3
Finished Dimensions:  62 inches diameter
Comments:  This is a spectacular heirloom piece!

Name  Jean Le Beau
Ravelry Name Cali1951
Yarn used Colourmart 2/36 cashmere silk 
Colorway: Tungsten
Beads: TOHO™ Cube 1.5mm Transparent Black Diamond AB
           TOHO™ Bead Round 8/0 Ceylon Smoke
Needle size US 2.5 3MM cubics
Finished Dimensions 72” x 40”
Comments   Absolutely gorgeous, definitely one of my favorites. 
As usual the instructions and charts were concise and easy to follow..
It was such fun watching the SugarPlumFairies emerge on the needles.
I’ll have to keep an eye on this one so it doesn’t “mysteriously disappear”  
Name    Cara Baustian
Ravelry Name    Stamax
Yarn used    Colourmart 2/36 Silk Cashmere blend
Needle size    US 2
Finished Dimensions
Comments    Such a beautiful shawl!  It was lovely to knit and  amazing to see blocked.

First Prize is the lovely dusty purple skein of EmmaLou, from LandOLace, in Shoreview.  This is a 1200 yard skein and comes with a ChiaoGoo US 2/49 inch needle from StitchDragon.  The winner is Sue!!  The second prize in the lovely ColourWave Morsel in Garden Mist, From Lara's Creations and comes with a ChiaoGoo US14 crochet hook from StitchDragon.  The winner is Flora!  Third prize is a lovely skein of LouLou, from LandOLace, in Anoka.  The winner is Stacy!  You have been selected in a totally random fashion, by the lovely BadKitten, right out of the hat, no peaking!!  Please email with your addresses so I can send your goodies ASAP!

I will be back on June 8th with a very special post about a very special book, in which I have a design!  And I will have a book to give away, so be sure to come by on June 8th for a chance to win this lovely book!  I will also be back soon with details about my summer project, so stay alert!  Until then, knit on...