Chart B2 follows Chart B1 without fanfare, so keep going! There are no row repeats this week. Do not worry. I have not forgotten about giving you the option to make your piece larger, but we are not there yet. If you are new to the party, please take some time to review all previous posts with the "American Beauty" tag, so you can catch up to us. Everything you need will be there! Until next week, knit a few more rose...
Friday, February 27, 2009
American Beauty, Take Three!
Chart B2 follows Chart B1 without fanfare, so keep going! There are no row repeats this week. Do not worry. I have not forgotten about giving you the option to make your piece larger, but we are not there yet. If you are new to the party, please take some time to review all previous posts with the "American Beauty" tag, so you can catch up to us. Everything you need will be there! Until next week, knit a few more rose...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
American Beauty, Take Two!
You will notice one of my favorite stitches in today's chart. We used the same maneuver for one of our Summer Sampler patterns. I did a step-by-step tutorial on the maneuver, and you can refer back to it if you need a refresher. You knitting should look something like mine (pictures above) when you finish Chart B1.
I thought you might enjoy seeing a few on my birthday goodies. I admit that there were some other outrageous edibles and drinkables which are now gone, and I didn't get pictures. You will have to trust me when I say that they were very yummy.
I got a hand knit scarf from my darling daughter. Yes, there is a lace pattern she snuck in there!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
American Beauty, Take One
Please start by printing out the charts. I suggest you click on each chart to make it larger, right click to copy the chart and save it to a Word document. If you do that with each chart, you can format the charts to re-size them. You can also set your printer function to print each chart as one page in landscape mode. MOST (but not all) of the charts will be in landscape. It should be obvious if they are or are not.
The first chart today is an overview of the first part of the project. It is not intended for you to work from, but rather as a visual, so you see how the working charts fit together.
This next chart is the Edging Chart A (AKA Bramble.) I suggest that you print six copies and use a highlighter to mark one row of the repeat on each of six copies (there are six rows in the row repeat!) This will help you keep track of which Edge row you are on as you knit. You can move the chart marked with the row you finish to the bottom of the stack of sheets...
Next you have Working Chart A. Please be sure you read all the pattern notes AND all my notes on each chart.
Pattern Notes:
Please read the chart key carefully for special notes about stitches. This project begins as a center (neck) start triangle, much as Autumn in New York did. Do not use my modified Turkish Cast-on for this project. Instead use a standard provisional cast-on or a standard Turkish Cast-on. That is because this is not a garter stitch neck edge. We went over links for those when we started Autumn in New York, so check back if you want suggestions. There are also previous discussions on adding beads, including a step-by-step from early Veil of Isis posts.
There are two Chart As. One shows you the full layout. The second is a “working chart.” The other charts will be presented only as “working charts.” Only the first Chart A will show both halves of the triangle and the Edge Charts. All the following charts will only show half of the triangle and no Edge Charts. All charts will show the center stitch (which runs down the center back.) There is also an Edge “working chart.” Only right side (odd numbered) rows are shown ON ALL CHARTS. Even numbered rows are worked as defined in the chart Key. Essentially, knit the garter (3) stitch edges and purl the knit stitches. Chart A has a row repeat and pattern repeat marked. I did not knit any row repeats, but it is here for those of you who prefer to continue in the Rose Petal (Chart A) motif. You can continue and make the shawl as large as you like, adding a simple cast-off when you are ready. For those who choose to knit on through the charts, do not repeat these rows, but rather proceed to Chart B when I post it. I repeat: Do Not Keep Knitting Chart A! You will continue with the Edge Chart, following the row repeats until Chart D. On Chart B there is an alternative stitch block for one section of the chart. If you choose to use this alternative, use it through Charts B, B2 and B3. Once you complete Chart B3, you can return to Chart A row repeats, and add a few repeats if you want your piece larger. There are ABOUT 54 more rows to the pattern AFTER Chart B3 WITHOUT any extra repeats, so only add repeats if you want your shawl larger than the 54 rows that will follow. Calculate how large that will be by checking your own row gauge after you finish this weeks knitting. Be sure to consider your bead and yarn usage, because more rows will use more beads and yarn! You need a set of four double pointed needles and a circular needle in the same size, large enough to hold a bunch of stitches, which we will have towards the end. I am using a 32 inch circular.
Using double pointed needles:
2 needles for step I and 4 needles for step II
Step I
-Cast-on 19 stitches using a provisional cast-on
-Row 1) knit 19, turn
-Row 2) Knit 3, purl 16, turn
Knit rows 1 and 2 a total of four times
-You will have 19 stitches on needle A Step II
-Using a second double pointed needle, pick-up three stitches along the short edge of your piece and purl them. This is needle B, with 3 stitches.
-Using another double pointed needle, pick-up the 19 stitches from your provisional cast-on. Purl 16 and knit 3. This is now needle C, with 19 stitches. Turn your work. The front is now facing you. Begin following the charts as follows:
-Knit Right Edge Chart row 1. Place a marker. You will have knit all the stitches from needle A and one stitch from needle B.
-Knit Chart A row 1. That is: Yarn-over, knit 1, yarn-over. Place a marker.
-Knit Left Edge Chart row 1. This will include one stitch from needle B and all the stitches from needle C (as shown in purple above.)
-Turn your piece and work a return row back. Be sure to maintain the garter stitch on either edge as shown on the charts.
-Continue following the Charts in sequence. Be sure to read all the notes.
-You should be able to switch from your double pointed needles to a circular needle after Chart A, row 25 Above, you can see the purple indicating where I switched to my circular needle (just after the second beaded round.) Once you complete Chart A, your piece should look like my piece, above. Take time this week to make the cast-on nice. It takes some care to get things set-up, but once you establish the pattern it should flow smoothly.
I'll be back next week with Chart B and maybe some pictures of my birthday goodies! Until then, knit on!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
American Beauty: Do you believe in swatching?
When I was designing this piece, I started by looking for a symbol of Valentine's Day. I played with heart shapes and roses and this project is what developed. When I think of "American Beauty" a few things come to my mind. First are Roses, and in particular This Rose. The second is music, and in particular this music. The third is a movie, and in particular this movie. The third (visual) says it all. So I invite you to join me and wrap yourself in a bed of rose petals!
This pink swatch was knit with some left-over 2/24 yarn and silver-lined gold beads. This white swatch was knit with some Shetland cobweb weight and copper-lined clear beads. I would have used my project yarn, but I am already using it for the project and I didn't want to break it! That should tell you what I think about swatches! Not really...I actually swatch a great deal, but I didn't make a swatch for this project from my project yarn. So there. The point of the swatch is to give you a chance to try your yarn with your beads and see if they work for you.
Review the Chart Key carefully. This is the only time I will post it and if you have any questionsyou can post them in the comments section. I will reply in kind and it will be our own FAQs, if you will.
To knit the swatch, cast-on four stitches. Turn your work and begin the chart at row 1. Only the right side (odd numbered) rows are charted. Even numbered rows are knit for the garter stitch and purled for everything else. Once you finish row 41, knit row 42 across and cast-off loosely. Soak in warm water and lay flat to block. Decide if you like the way your beads and yarn work together. Decide what size needles to use during this process. The choice is very individual.
I am trying a new technique to post my charts and I hope you enjoy them. I'll be back next week with our real cast-on. Until then, keep knitting!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
American Beauty Yarn Selection
As always, I encourage everyone to use something they will enjoy working with. If you choose to use a different weight yarn there will be opportunities to add or omit charts to make the total number of rows fewer or greater. This allows the knitter to accommodate their chosen yarn. If you do this you will be making some independent choices because I won’t be working with your yarn and I won’t be able to make those choices for you. I already discussed in the previous post my suggested colors. I do not suggest variegated yarn unless they are very “tone-on-tone.” You will loose much of the lace detail if you use a multi-colored yarn. Again, this is your choice!
So here are some suggestions! Have fun…
100% extra fine merino 2/28NM laceweight
Length: 2300 Yards.
Net Weight: 150 Grams
<$15 US
Yarn needed: 1 cone

Length: 2450 Yards. Net Weight: 150 Grams

Length: 2300 Yards
Net Weight 150 grams
Yarn needed: 1 cone

Yardage:50g skeins are 470 yds.
Yarn needed: 2 or 3 skeins (I would get 3)
<$40 Can.

Yardage: 100g skein is 1400m/1533yds
Yarn needed: 1 skein
<$25 Can.
Grignasco 2/25 - 100% pure merino wool.
Yardage: 100g skein is 1250m or 1363yds
Yarn needed: 1 skein
<$15 Can.

Yardage: 875yds/skein
Yarn needed: 2 skeins
<$40 US

Yardage: 55 grams, 400 yards
Yarn needed: 2-3 skeins
<$100 US for 3 skeins but you might only use 2

Content: 50% Wool, 50% Silk 2/18
Yardage: 1250 yards/4 ounces (about 125 grams)
Yarn needed: 1 skein
<$60 US
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My Favorite Month..
Are you trying to decide if you want to knit along? Here are a few pieces of information that might help.
1) This is not a traditional knit along. This is me knitting a project, which I just happen to be sharing with you! I will be posting all the information here on my blog. You don't need to sign up for anything or join anything to knit with me, but you can join my Yahoogroup (link on the left side of the blog) if you want to. We will be discussing the project there. All my designs are charted, and all the charts for this project will be posted here. You will actually need to read my blog posts for the rest of the instructions and important details. The charts will remain here on my blog, along with the posts, for as long as my blog stays here (so the foreseeable future.)