Are you ready for an edging party? Yes? Well, here we go. Following are instructions to begin my
Snake in the Grass edging. This post will get you started on the edging, and worked along one short side. If you are new to the party, please take the time to review all previous posts with The Summer Sampler Study label, and get up to speed.

The edging has a four stitch cable, which I work without a cable needle for speed. Feel free to use one if you choose. I knit the edging using my favorite European Crossed-Uncrossed method, so those four stitches present themselves with the back leg available. I knit stitch three, I knit stitch four, I knit stitch one, I knit stitch two. I do all through the back leg. I slide them all off my left-hand needle and I have a finished four stitch cable.
The edging is attached to the main section on the final stitch on every even numbered row, by knitting the final stitch of the edging together with one stitch from the side of your main section, as a knit two together. This is clearly marked on the chart and has a special symbol.
Following is
pattern page nineteen, which is a
key supplement, and includes symbols specific to the edging charts. There are a few new moves, but I think it will be clear once you try it out.

The process is as follows: You have completed the instructions for the center section of
The Summer Sampler, including the final, even numbered row in garter stitch. With the right side of your work facing you, and using a temporary or provisional cast-on (please see the beginning of our project for references,) cast-on 14 stitches. I used the same provisional cast-on I used in the beginning (thank-you, EZ) and the working yarn I just finished the center section with. I did not break the yarn. The chart on
pattern page twenty gives you one set-up row, which you only work once. Both the cast-on and the set-up row are shown on the chart, and they are only knit once.

You knit the
edging chart, rows 1-10, 18 times. You will have one stitch left over. This stitch is for the corner, so wait right there for the next chart! While you are waiting, you can pick-up the stitches we will use for the edging down the long side of your sampler. The garter selvage has "bumps" and "bars." If you look at it closely, I think you will see what I mean. If you pick-up the "bars" you will get the appearance of eyelets between the edging and the main section. If you pick-up the "bumps" it will appear more continuous. For this project, I suggest you pick-up the "bumps." It takes a little longer, but it looks nicer (IMO.) Pick-up 315 stitches along the closest long side, using a spare needle. By closest, I mean the one right there, that your edging will move onto once your corner is worked. If you followed my row repeats for the
Sampler Study exactly, you will be picking up every "bump." If you did something else with the patterns you used or the number of repeats you did, please fudge it. Anything divisible by 5 will work.
Here are a few final camp shots for your enjoyment!

The Weaving Studio...

Inside The Weaving Studio...

Yarn stash at The Weaving Studio...

A Raku firing at Ceramics...
I'll be back in a few days with our edging
Corner Chart and a discussion about various techniques for dealing with corners on a piece like this. Until then, knit on!