I am back to pass the torch on! I mentioned in my previous post that Fleegle passed this lovely award to me several days ago. I understand that if I don't pass it along I will begin dropping stitches at any moment. Goodness knows, we can't be having any of that...
I am relatively new to the blog world and don't read that many blogs because of lack of time. I tried my best to share with some special bloggers, and now each of them can pass the torch on!
In no particular order, I give you:
Jeri Riggs, a new friend of mine who knits and designs, takes excellent knitting photographs, and go look at her art quilts…AMAZING!
Elizabeth, a fine organizer, knitter and a friend of mine. She started a local knitting group which has become a wonderful gathering of fine women.
Brenda, another friend of mine, a wonderful photographer, knitter and weaver. Go look at her stuff…WOW!
I don’t know this person, but I am amazed by her doily gallery. What a knitter…
Superb cat, food and lace pictures, from another person I don’t know but share several interests with, eh?
Kat, who has helped me with technical blog advice since I first posted, and she is a wonderful knitter! Check out her lovely work.
Nurhanne, of YarnOver fame, who also keeps a blog. She is a queen among lace knitters and a very generous person. Take a look at her website to see what I mean.
Just take a look at the wealth of excellent information on this blog. This is a very generous person also.
Always good for a few laughs and some quality knitting on this blog!
Suggested by one of my readers, a lovely combination of food and fiber, which can’t be beat…
That was good fun! Enjoy! I will be back in a day or two with a special treat. I have a friend who I taught to knit, and she has become my star student. You will love what she has done. Just you wait...