
Saturday, February 18, 2012

LOTS of Good Things! SugarPlumFairy revealed, a new design in a new book and a Pantone color game! What more could you ask for?

First, my winter group has been speeding through a couple of hundred charted lines of lace and many hundred stitches, and a few people have actually finished this week!  In their honor I am posting a few finish photos.  The blocking photo is posted at the winter group and will be on Ravelry later today.  If you want the pattern please join the group to access the files.  The group will remain open all winter.  Details are here!
You can see how large the piece is, and how well it wraps around the wearer.  I think you might be able to see the sun sparkle off the beads too!
The wind was not helping us when we took this photo, but you get the idea...
This is light as chiffon!  More photos coming soon, and check out all the working photos on Ravelry.

Next, I have a design in this lovely new book by Iris Schreier!  Of course, my design uses the skinniest yarn available for this concept project, a gorgeous 1-ply cashmere by ArtYarns.
Here is a photo of my Elegant Triangle from the book, and you can see details here.  You can see all the projects in the book here!  The publisher was kind enough to give me an extra copy of this book, just so I could share it with you!  So here is the deal:  Read my challenge below and leave an appropriate comment here at the blog.  Be sure you either have an account that shares your contact info OR you include your email address after your comment.  If you do not I can't reach you, so can't give you the book.  If you live in the US I will send you the book.  If you live outside the US and you are willing to cover postage I will also send you the book!  Fair enough?  Read on...

The Pantone Spring colors came out a little while ago, and sure enough my last two group projects are right on.  How is it that I am so cutting edge I choose the colors before they do, you might ask?  I am also asking that, and believe it or not I have another piece in the works using yet another of these colors (or one pretty darn close.)  And it isn't in the purple family, just saying.  So guess the color from the Spring 2012 Pantone colors that is in my knitting bag right now, and also tell me what color my summer project should be, so we can set the trend for Summer or Fall colors.  I will choose from the correct guesses for the project in my bag, and then select the one I like best, for the summer project suggestions!  I will announce the winner here and also send you an email asking for your address.  By the way, humorous comments might get extra credit.
Pantone Spring 2012 colors...