
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Spinning for the Summer!

Happy weekend! I didn't have time to go to Maryland Sheep and Wool this year. As a matter of fact, I hardly had time to post these pictures, that is just how busy I have been. Luckily, some of my busy has to do with spinning and knitting. I am so excited about my up-coming summer project that I decided to share just a little bit about it. The fish full of fiber (above) contains a lovely assortment of pencil roving from Kimber at Fiber Optics. She was kind enough to give me these assorted samples for my project. I love her sense of color and I really enjoy working with the pencil roving, where I can spin a two-ply lace weight yarn and manage to get the colors to stay separate in the finished yarn. You will see what I mean when I show you swatches from this fiber. That will be in June! The pencil roving comes as a "2-ply" so each "ply" of the roving has the same dye pattern. If you spin each from the same end and ply them together you can get a 2-ply yarn with long color repeats. I am spinning these fiber samples into small skeins of 2-ply, and I will make swatches for my summer project from that yarn. You can see one finished skein in the fish. The spindle is a Vixen from Greensleeves. Elizabeth makes really lovely, fast and well balanced spindles...
In case you are curious, the samples I am using are these two types of pencil roving and you can see more here!

I will be back in a week or so with more goodies. Until then, knit on!

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