
Monday, March 15, 2010

The Snow Queen Rises...

Finally complete and ready to share! This shows you as much as I could get in the frame.
This is a detail of the beaded section in Chart F.
And this is a detail of the "Hearts and Crowns" in Chart G.
My Snow Queen Group is still in progress, and people are finishing one by one. I plan to share more versions of Snow Queen with you as the group finishes up. For today I will just share my version.
The pattern is now available at my Ravelry Store. I suggest that you follow the link to the store for details and more photographs. You can use this link if you are not on Ravelry. The cost is $8.50, and the pattern is a 15 page booklet with lots of detail. My patterns are very well charted but do not include line-by-line (written) directions. This pattern includes a center start, many nupps and beads and is for the adventurous knitter! It is a really fun knit.
Abbreviated Materials Discussion from the pattern:
Yarn: I used Colourmart 2/28 10% cashmere 90% wool. One cone has 150 grams which is just over 2200 yards. I used under one cone. I choose to work in a natural white color for this project. You can stick with me and use one cone of a 2/28 Colourmart yarn or you can use any other yarn of your choice. Please refer to the swatch section for a good discussion about figuring out how much yarn you will need.
Beads: I used 8/0 Japanese crystal rainbow seed beads. If you use all the bead placements and knit the full Chart F you will need about 33 grams of beads (based on 350 beads per 8 grams which is approximate.) To break it down, you will need 64 beads for Chart E and 448 beads for each repeat (there are three) of chart F. You will need 48 beads for Chart G. This takes us to a grand total 1456 seed bead. There are also some optional drop beads or magatama beads in the cast-off (42.) You have the option to omit any of the beads that you choose.
Needles: I used US 2, 3 and 4 needles, or size for gauge with your middle size needle. You need a set of four or five double points for the center and a 32 inch circular for the final chart.
Other Stuff:
-You will need stitch markers if you like to use them. I suggest 16 markers, with one being unique to mark the start of the row.
-You will need stainless steel T-pins to block.
-You will need a ruler to measure yarn (see swatch section.)
-You will need a calculator
-You will need a yarn needle to weave in ends

I have some blocking photos and directions that I will post next week. Until then, knit on!


  1. Love the pictures! BadKitten does a fabulous job modeling, almost as good as you do designing. :)

  2. I think you are the most talented of the lace-designers, I know of.It is so beautiful.

  3. That is absolutely gorgeous and I love the snowy background. Good match for a lovely shawl!
