
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Move over, baby!

This week has been about finishing big projects (or at least trying...) As you might have figured out, I have been busy preparing a special warp. That warp is spun and dyed, but wait! Before it can go on the loom, another warp must move over (and off.) The tale behind this "other" warp is a good one. Some time ago, as a gift to my friend Mary, a bunch of us got this warp together. That included designing a shawl, spinning the warp yarn, dyeing the warp and getting the warp on the loom. Mary spun some yarn for the weft, but never managed to find the time to weave it off. Enter BadKitten. She can weave 72 inches in 2 hours... Here you see BadKitten tying off the knots for the fringe, and a close-up of the fabric. It is 15 ends to the inch, with a Cormo warp and an Alpaca blend weft. I dyed the warp with acid dyes and the weft is a natural dark brown.
And here you can see Mary, showing off the shawl. It came out just as she had imagined it. She calls it "A rainbow over storm clouds." Thanks go to all the "SpinAndEats" who helped with this project.
And on my needles, another larger project I am getting close on. Here is Lyra, coming down the home stretch. I just can't wait to block this one. Very soon...
And finally, here is LucyFur, pondering how to talk to BadKitten about life. While LucyFur was pondering, The Kitten just read the articles, snorted and left the room.
I might have warp progress to show you next week, not to mention Lyra progress!!?? I can certainly dream! Until then, knit on!


  1. The rainbow shawl is beautiful! Can't wait to see your Lyra, too :)

  2. Gorgeous, especially since I missed being there for Mary's birthday!

  3. Oooh - the pink Lyra will be gorgeous. Can't wait.

    And I LOVE the rainbow shawl.

  4. That stole is wonderful and your Lyra looks terrific as well! You have been very busy indeed. Can't wait to see what you have in mind for your naturally colored handspun :-)

  5. LucyFur is such a beautiful kitty cat! Your stole is beautiful. I bet it took a long time to make it...

  6. Love the shawl - that BadKitten sure can weave! Looks like a marvelous group effort. The articles cracked me up; good one.

  7. That is the most beautiful woven shawl ever!!! I love how that looks, it makes me want to learn weaving again. Drool....And your Lyra is in a gorgeous color!
