
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Something Sweet

I haven't photographed my Isis progress because it looks like a heap of yarn on a circular needle, if you know what I mean. I will take a picture for my pattern update next weekend. I thought I would share cute with you today. This is my two most dear people with two very dear baby rabbits. Might we have a pet rabbit? Only time will tell...

On another topic; I will be traveling to Ethiopia in September for my work. If anyone is up on any fiber related activity in Ethiopia please leave me a comment.


  1. ummmm, are the possibly the kind of bunnies whose fur is spinnable??

  2. No. They have short hair. That is just what I thought about as I photographed them. If I could spin them they would have come home with us for sure! Our fiber minds think alike...

  3. I love all your designs and have decided to go along on the Veil of Isis - as soon as the yarn shows up.
    But in the meantime,I've checked Little Knits and a couple of other shops for your patterns. They all have Hydrangea and some scarves, but none of the beautiful shawls on your Flickr page.
    Is there any place where the patterns for Corfu or Mimosa or any of the others are available?

    Barbara in Dunwoody

  4. I put pattern information on the comment field for each picture in Flickr, which will tell you what is currently available. Corfu should be availble this fall. Mimosa is not available yet. Fern Garden and Queen Anne just went to the printer and should be available. All are through Jade Sapphire right now. I will post better pattern information on the main section of the blog! Thanks for your kind words and interest!
